WE created a fun way for kids to celebrate the holidays while giving back while keeping it pandemic friendly.
Kids visited our magical holiday window at the Chicago Teacher Store in Wicker Park and got to mail a letter to Santa. If they choose the “express mail” option aka donate a blanket to our partner charity @betsys_blankets they were guaranteed a letter back from Santa himself.
We custom built a holiday storefront window at 1855 N Milwaukee Chicago .
Parents could download our letter template and have their children fill it out before they came to the store. If they brought a blanket donation one of our elves would stamp their letter express mail and the child would receive a personalized letter mailed to his/her address.
Our friend Becca from Little Frosting Bakeshop created the gingerbread cookies for our display.
Letters to Santa : Betsy’s Blanket. Betsy’s Blankets collects new blankets and bedding to provide warmth and the feeling of comfort and security to those who need it most.
Learn more about the local organizations that WE support or apply to be one of our monthly charitable partners HERE.